*Image courtesy of AP Images.
The equivocation of President Obama over the wanton violence being suffered by Iran's people has been disheartening not only for the overwhelming majority of Americans who believe that freedom is the fundamental right of all people, but also for those Iranians having their own blood shed--often with knives, clubs, and axes wielded by Basij Militia thugs on motorcycle--on the streets of Tehran for the same.
Iranians need to know that we are going to do much more than just watch as they are slaughtered, bullied, and intimidated out of their freedoms. They need to know that the most powerful free country in the world also stands with them.
To be sure, Iranians need President Obama to speak up. And Americans need him to speak up as well. After all, how can anyone in the world seriously believe that we are freedom's most loyal friend if we do not boldly denounce the abuse going on at the ballot box and in the street right now?
150 are presumably dead, and those patently evil thugs Ahmadinejad and Khomenei will likely have many more murdered to remain in power. Take as an example the case of one Mohammad Asgari. He identified the new software apparently used to rig the election when Ahmadinejad came in third. He's now dead. And that's how political business is conducted in Iran under the current regime.
Clearly, if this sort of impotent protesting coming out of the White House constitutes our new Middle East policy, Americans should be greatly disturbed. And it should be no wonder that Mousavi says he's ready for martyrdom--apparently there is no help to be had if we refuse to exert our influence. Iran should be free. And it's people have every right to expect our aid, even if that takes a little more courage than we are used to displaying.
As Mark Steyn notes, neutrality is not an option. And we might also add that cowardice isn't either. God help us if we do not help them.
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