*Image courtesy of AP Images.
Where has the United Nations been in Iran's struggle for freedom? Perhaps there was some other international disaster requiring the immediate attention of Ban Ki-Moon? Or maybe the Secretary-General sent a terse message to Ahmadinejad while he was posing with bigwigs in Russia that strongly condemned the slaughter of civilians?
No, he's been very quiet. In fact, disturbingly so. Strangely enough, it seems that keeping the status quo was more important than risking his neck to support the most important civil rights movement since communism tumbled to ashes in Berlin.
And President Obama? He looks like a gelded apologist for his own kakistocracy and the one in Tehran in the face of such atrocious violence against honest freedom seekers. Of course, if there are tanks, that might just be enough to spur some sort of possible response, according to Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. Maybe. We'll see. Well, on second thought, all bets are very likely positively off. Sheesh.
Whatever the cowardice of these lackluster leaders, hopefully the shouting will become much louder in Iran. Only then will Iranians have any sort of shot at getting the attention or support they deserve from the free world. And what an unmitigated shame this inexcusable denial of support will be once history is finally written.
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