Monday, June 29, 2009

Madoff Sentenced*

*Image courtesy of AP Images.

Bernie Madoff was sentenced to 150 years today--unfortunately, it seems that capital punishment wasn't a viable option for cheating the life savings out of honest people like Elie Wiesel.

May he rot.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Distraction Is Another Sure Way To Fail The Cause Of Iranian Freedom*

*Image courtesy of AP Images.

How happy so many seem to move on from the patently disturbing fight for freedom in Iran to the trivial and much more pleasant death of a musician's star tragically dissipated through drug abuse, excess, and wholesale perversion. And this while the family of Neda Soltan has been evicted from their home and staffers at the British Embassy in Iran have been arrested.

Not that there hasn't been a sobering focus on the Iranian cause through a token show of support in a resolution introduced by Rep. Mike Pence. To be sure, both Republicans and Democrats in the House overwhelmingly voted in support of the Iranian people (except, of course, for lone isolationist loony Ron Paul, who is representing some sort of crazed constituency). But such support is easy, politically speaking, even if it does strike the right tone.

Contrast this event with the bizarre moment of silence held in Congress on behalf of Michael Jackson instead of the Iranian people, and one can easily discern the moral weakness of our times. And this is clearly no time for weakness.

Yet strangely enough, there seems to be an almost irrepressible desire to drop this issue of hard fought freedom for Michael Jackson or whatever else the warm winds of Hollywood graciously deposit into the morning newscast. In fact, the morning after Jackson's death almost brought down Twitter, the main conduit between Iranian citizens fighting for freedom and the world outside. It seems the adage out of sight, out of mind is not so much a tired cliche as a steely Western mindset--given that those things out of sight are uncomfortable and perhaps disturbing to think about.

So here the question must be asked: can we really afford to laud the odd passing of this undeniably talented musician and probable pedophile to the exclusion of the brave voices calling for freedom inside Iran?

We clearly cannot.

Distraction from this crucial struggle for freedom will be devastating to those actually fighting for their rights on the streets in Tehran. And failing to attend in a firm and positive manner to this warfare for basic rights--one with physical, ideological, and moral underpinnings that reach well beyond the Middle East and the next few years--will do much more to harm our American image abroad than anything critics of the previous administration might toss about for the purpose of political point making.

To be sure, we must continue to raise our voices--both individually and through our elected leaders, including a disappointingly timid President Obama--as the cost of apathy and appeasement will assuredly be more innocent Iranian lives. And it will also mean the best opportunity for freedom in Iran will have slipped away for no other reason than our own inexplicable lack of courage.

And we're not even the ones professing our loyalty to freedom in the streets.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Where's The Support For Iranian Freedom?*

*Image courtesy of AP Images.

Where has the United Nations been in Iran's struggle for freedom? Perhaps there was some other international disaster requiring the immediate attention of Ban Ki-Moon? Or maybe the Secretary-General sent a terse message to Ahmadinejad while he was posing with bigwigs in Russia that strongly condemned the slaughter of civilians?

No, he's been very quiet. In fact, disturbingly so. Strangely enough, it seems that keeping the status quo was more important than risking his neck to support the most important civil rights movement since communism tumbled to ashes in Berlin.

And President Obama? He looks like a gelded apologist for his own kakistocracy and the one in Tehran in the face of such atrocious violence against honest freedom seekers. Of course, if there are tanks, that might just be enough to spur some sort of possible response, according to Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. Maybe. We'll see. Well, on second thought, all bets are very likely positively off. Sheesh.

Whatever the cowardice of these lackluster leaders, hopefully the shouting will become much louder in Iran. Only then will Iranians have any sort of shot at getting the attention or support they deserve from the free world. And what an unmitigated shame this inexcusable denial of support will be once history is finally written.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Ahmadinejad Should Pay*

*Image courtesy of AP Images.

Her death--along with those of so many other innocent Iranians striving for freedom--should be enough for reasonable minds to demand that Ahmadinejad pay with his own once justice can be established.

And one can only hope that these patriot deaths will not go unnoticed by the world. But whatever the case may be, Iranians will remember and the movement for freedom will continue, whether or not we have the courage to support them.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

President Obama Is A Coward For Failing To Speak Up For Iranians*

*Image courtesy of AP Images.

The equivocation of President Obama over the wanton violence being suffered by Iran's people has been disheartening not only for the overwhelming majority of Americans who believe that freedom is the fundamental right of all people, but also for those Iranians having their own blood shed--often with knives, clubs, and axes wielded by Basij Militia thugs on motorcycle--on the streets of Tehran for the same.

Iranians need to know that we are going to do much more than just watch as they are slaughtered, bullied, and intimidated out of their freedoms. They need to know that the most powerful free country in the world also stands with them.

To be sure, Iranians need President Obama to speak up. And Americans need him to speak up as well. After all, how can anyone in the world seriously believe that we are freedom's most loyal friend if we do not boldly denounce the abuse going on at the ballot box and in the street right now?

150 are presumably dead, and those patently evil thugs Ahmadinejad and Khomenei will likely have many more murdered to remain in power. Take as an example the case of one Mohammad Asgari. He identified the new software apparently used to rig the election when Ahmadinejad came in third. He's now dead. And that's how political business is conducted in Iran under the current regime.

Clearly, if this sort of impotent protesting coming out of the White House constitutes our new Middle East policy, Americans should be greatly disturbed. And it should be no wonder that Mousavi says he's ready for martyrdom--apparently there is no help to be had if we refuse to exert our influence. Iran should be free. And it's people have every right to expect our aid, even if that takes a little more courage than we are used to displaying.

As Mark Steyn notes, neutrality is not an option. And we might also add that cowardice isn't either. God help us if we do not help them.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Netanyahu Endorses Two State Solution*

*Image courtesy of AP Images.

In what may be considered a concession to American pressure on the issue, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has for the first time endorsed a two state solution to the ongoing harassment, war, and terrorism Israel has suffered since its creation in modern times according to a report in "The Jerusalem Post."

And thankfully, he has also insisted upon public recognition of Israel as the viable Jewish state and that any newly formed nation for the Palestinians must be demilitarized--and that the United States must also insist upon these points. He further stressed a united Jerusalem under Israeli rule, that the natural growth of settlements be allowed to continue, and that hostages like Gilad Schalit be allowed common decencies.

Given these qualifications to Palestinian statehood, he ultimately issued a firm ultimatum that "Palestinians must decide between the way of peace and the way of Hamas. Israel won't negotiate with a group that calls for Israel's destruction" according to the article cited above. This, of course, was likely very disappointing to the likes of Jimmy Carter and President Obama. But it was also the correct action.

Firm leadership. A more than reasonable willingness to bend in this most difficult of diplomatic situations. An overly patient and long-suffering demand for recognition and respect.

If only America had an elected leader like that.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Carter Plays Well With Terrorists*

*Image courtesy of AP Images.

He came, he saw, he shmoozed with both Prime Minister Salam Fayyad of the Palestinian Authority and Hamas leaders exiled in Syria. And oh yeah, he received the Palestine International Award for Excellence and Creativity after some obligatory lip service about accepting the discouraging fact that Israel probably deserves some sort of minor "accommodation in the political world" according to "The Jerusalem Post."

Wow. What brave words from a nosey, nasty little man. But I guess we shouldn't be surprised--Obama is, politically speaking, a son to him and this blatant appeasement tour is the sort of political miracle making effort they both seem to cherish with such utter humility. And that means we will likely see Carter acting for some time to come as a shill for oppressive regimes, anti-Semitic populations, and those characteristically backwards liberal charity parades aimed at aiding poor terrorists scattered all over the Middle East.

Lucky us. But it could be worse--he could have things to do over here.

Ahmadinejad Is A Cheater*

*Image courtesy of AP Images.

Mir Hossein Mousavi, pictured above, likely won the election in Iran. Problem is, Ahmadinejad also claims victory. Even in Mousavi's hometown.

Sadly enough, even had Mousavi been installed through a fair and democratic election, the so-called religious leaders would still hold the reigns of power and would undoubtedly prevent the expression of democratic principles. But citizens--especially the youth--are thankfully not taking this rigged outcome without complaint as rioting is taking place right now in Iran. Generally speaking, this sort of action would be reprehensible if demonstration were possible, but it seems only violent action will effectively counter this blatant oppression.

And President Obama's softball speech in Cairo certainly does nothing to discourage Iranian tyranny of this kind, now or in the future. In fact, Iran can continue to abuse individual rights and en masse complaints of unfairness with impunity so long as their dismal revolution holds power over the smallest details of life and so long as the Western world does nothing to condemn such abuse.

No wonder John Bolton muses over the effects of an Israeli strike on Iranian nuclear sites--after all, even if our President refuses to take a realistic viewpoint of the situation, perhaps our Israeli counterparts are still capable of doing so.

Interestingly enough, CBS is taking considerable heat for editing the transcript before sending it off for publication in "The New York Times," that venerable standard of responsible journalism. Who knew that an awkward attempt to cover their own rear ends would end up being such an embarrassing revelation concerning their hardcore support for all things liberal?

Additionally, the pro-abortion National Organization for Women has tossed Letterman into its "Media Hall of Shame" for the jokes, which were obviously rehearsed. Strange times we live in, but this sort of character assassination apparently seems obvious to even the most ardently biased, one issue political groups--and those who won't admit this are just crazy ideologues.

In the end, perhaps Palin will continue to reshape the public image McCain did so much damage to in the election. And an honest look into her considerable capabilities can only be good for Americans in the coming years.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Reason & Freedom Win In Lebanon*

*Image courtesy of AP Images.

Pro-Western and pro-democratic forces were the projected winners in Lebanon's election today as they fended off a serious push by Hezbollah for a majority in parliament. Read more on this encouraging development for the Middle East here.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Obama's Mideast Doctrine Is Ignorant And Dangerous For Israel*

*Image courtesy of AP Images.

There should be little doubt that President Obama's Cairo Speech marks a deeply troubling and disturbingly arrogant break from historical Middle East policy for the United States. It was a woefully foolish attempt at the appeasement of terrorists--both in Hamas and in the highest echelons of Iranian government--that demonstrates a reticence on the part of the Commander-in-Chief and his cabinet to discern the motivations belonging to two very differently motivated groups of people. And it is also the most cowardly way for our leader to dodge the demanding and critical obligations we owe to our partner in freedom, Israel. Furthermore, the painfully soft approach presented to Iran's catastrophic pursuit of nuclear arms was nothing short of appalling.

While reasonable observers may debate the wisdom of pushing settlements further out into land vociferously contested by Arab nations, asserting that natural home building in already existing settlements is an irresponsible action is insulting. Netanyahu is right to oppose this demand as noted in the linked article above.

Furthermore, seeking cooperation from Hamas--that bloody terrorist organization that has vowed to destroy Israel while at the same time preaching the disingenuous victimization of its own people and teaching innocent children to destroy their own neighbors--is astonishingly wrong and even outrageous. At what point does Hamas consider enough Israeli blood shed? As President Obama well knows, the price will be the last drop if Hamas has its way.

Let it be clearly said that the vast majority of Americans support Israel, stand by those citizens who peacefully and rightfully make that land their home, and absolutely reject the bloody acts of terror meant to deny this people their right to not only existence, but also freedom from molestation--and this is a far cry from the President's crude and ineffective suggestion that Muslims must simply acknowledge that "Israel will not go away." The truth is that Americans maintain strong ties to Jews of every conceivable background and experience, as these are our neighbors, friends, and fellow citizens in this great republic. With them, the majority of us share a hatred of tyranny and terrorism while also expressing profound gratitude for what is often viewed as an overlapping religious tradition. How, then, could we simply point to Israel as an annoyance to the Middle East?

Surely it is time that many of the Jewish population in America--identifying itself at the very least through a common culture and in many cases an ancient, shared religion--begin to test their relatively unquestioned ties to political liberalism. Today that political doctrine has failed Jews both in America and in Israel, perhaps for generations to come. 

What is also clear is that freedom cannot and will not be maintained in either Israel or America by such a whimpering and apologetic strategy as that demonstrated so shamefully today. As always, this most precious of gifts can only persist in the best and highest sense if America continues with grim determination to confront the bloody, evil, and designing nations aligned against our friends abroad. That much, at the very least, should be unbreakable.

UPDATE: Wow. The fallout over the speech has been tremendous--in fact, there are far too many editorials to cite here, though one or two will demonstrate just how transparently one-sided Obama's effort at wholesale appeasement really was. 

One article posits that this may be another push by Rahm Emanuel to install a left-leaning and more sympathetic Kadima government in Israel. Others simply decried his pandering mea culpa, along with his very troubling and inaccurate makeover of Islamic history. Still another noted Obama's apparent "culture war with Christianity"--and one might also be correct in asserting traditional values are included here, as well--while nearly pleading the notion that America is not at war with Islam. 

What this all seems to add up to--and again, coverage has been very skewed, with most liberal voices gushing about how well the President spoke and how considerate he was of Muslim sentiments--is a Middle East policy grossly unfair and downright dangerous to Israel while at the same time being disturbingly sympathetic to Islamic terrorism and philosophical extremism. Very troubling, indeed.

A brief video clip of the speech can be found here.