*Image courtesy of AP Images.
In case you missed it, North Korea's Dear Supreme Leader and Wacko For Life decided to mark our American Independence Day with seven missile launches of noticeably increased sophistication. Here, one wonders what sort of appeasement President Obama might quickly foist upon the increasingly edgy and disinterested dictator as quaint places such as South Korea, Japan, and oh, perhaps the United States wait to see if they will become needless victims of his irrational aggression.
By now, this appeasement approach should be seen for what it is--a cowardly and ineffective excuse for real leadership and deterrence in very precarious times. Kim Jong Il, for one, certainly understands that Democrats in Congress and President Obama's administration will do little to threaten, much less act against, a repressive regime bent on turning dissenters and avowed enemies into piles of ash.
Sidestepping this threat tempts one to believe that President Obama is either arrogant towards those who oppose his soft worldview or ignorant concerning the true nature of the threats we face. Worse yet, perhaps it is really both.
In either case, President Obama's unbecoming and unreasonable gentleness with tyrannical murderers was also on display in the recent rejection of Ahmadinejad's reelection by a prominent organization of Iranian clerics. Apparently, The Association of Researchers and Teachers of Qom has labeled those Iranian citizens killed in election protests as martyrs and has also called for opposition to the government. In addition, Ali Reza Beheshti--son of a prominent Revolution leader--has called for the election results to be nullified, according to the Fox News article linked above.
Clearly, it seems that this new revolution is continuing forward, with or without our help and apparently underground, though it could come at a much reduced cost in Iranian blood if we were to show anything even resembling support. To be sure, even a direct, simple statement affirming the overwhelming American feeling of empathy for Iranians would do much to reverse the devastating effects of so much apathy falsely paraded about as wise restraint.
And where, reasonable critics might ask, was President Obama on both of these events as we marked the birth of our free nation? Pushing his domestic agenda while the likes of failed Republican presidential candidate John McCain at the very least called for support of Iranian protesters and the official denouncement of Ahmadinejad's government, all on moral grounds.
How utterly depressing for a nation formed and preserved through the actions of brave men and women willing to sacrifice their reputations and even lives in the cause of freedom. One could guess--and likely be correct--that history will not treat President Obama's cowardly denial of support for Iranians or his nonexistent condemnation of erratic North Korean actions with any sort of kindness.
IN OTHER NEWS: Vice President Biden supports Israeli military strikes against Iranian nuclear ambitions. Really? Is this another gaffe? Another way to escape responsibility in dealing with the problem of Iran? We'll know when the White House babysitters allege that Biden misspoke, or didn't know what he was talking about, or simply throw their hands up and feign audacious journalistic malfeasance on the part of Fox News.
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