Monday, April 20, 2009

Susan Roesgen Is Really That Nasty (Tea Party, Or No)*

*Image courtesy of AP Images.

No, Susan doesn't believe in real journalism. No, she doesn't like being down in the trenches with those nasty, average Americans. And no, even if you call W. names like "Hitler," you most certainly may not compare the current President to anything even approaching the same.

Is it any wonder that Fox News Channel rightly turned down her application twice? Sheesh, she has all the warmth and charm of malekh ha-moves.

Significantly, her browbeating of a concerned taxpayer or two in The Windy City can be found here. So much for fair and balanced--further sins against objective journalism by CNN can also be found here.

P.S. It seems Ms. Roesgen was lucky enough to have her e-mail shut down and come into some planned vacation time right after this shocking episode where protesters actually said (gasp) some mean things to her. . .

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