*Image courtesy of AP Photo/Gerald Herbert.
The White House recently unveiled a plan allowing Americans to report on their neighbors, family, and friends should they offend President Obama by speaking out against his disastrous healthcare plan. Quite simply, well-meaning citizens can have offending "chain emails or [. . .] casual conversation" turned in for careful scrutinization by our loving leader's band of faithful disciples.
The Soviets would likely be very proud. Certainly, the NKVD would be.
Given this development, is there any question that the Obama administration will carelessly trample the rights of the individual for the sake of their vision of a socialized future? Interestingly enough, such an ambition is becoming increasingly more difficult to argue against as average Americans are starting to discern the real price of dissent under our current leadership.
Reasonable American citizens concerned with this brazen attempt at limiting free speech may self-report their own hopefully offensive material via flag@whitehouse.gov (the idea being to overflow their inbox) or even sign the petition against tax-funded abortion at the American Center for Law and Justice.
Whatever the case may be, President Obama's history of liberal activism and social engineering will become a legacy far outliving his presidency with Sotomayor carrying on the good fight for years to come.
This government is becoming increasingly tyrannical. And Sotomayor, I believe, is a Trojan Horse. At her confirmation hearings, she used Obama's "sound-like-a-conservative" approach, and it fooled some Republicans. Over the years, she kept repeating the "wise Latina" garbage and kept asserting her belief in the notion that your cultural background should strongly influence your judicial decisions. I think you'll see her behave much more radically as a Supreme Court justice than her previous judicial record reflects.
I think this whole reporting of misinformation is being blown out of proportion, and until more proof of quelling these voices occurs, it's simply more pointless mudslinging and getting upset over nothing. As it is right now, it seems as though they are collecting misinformation to which they can address and correct.
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