*Image courtesy of AP Images.
Yeah, actors are a little crazy sometimes. At some fancy schmancy fashion show, Kiefer Sutherland allegedly headbutted fashion designer Jack McCollough right on the nose, breaking the poor guy's snot locker in the process.
It seems Sutherland was sloshed and felt the quickest way to the bar was between the designer and Brooke Shields. Oh well. Some reports have Sutherland coming to Shields' rescue, but with her denying it, I guess we'll never know just what happened.
What we can be sure of is that Sutherland will act contrite if he was indeed in the wrong, as he did with his drunk driving beef of last year. Either way, I'd like to think that Shields isn't just throwing him into the justice system on a whim or because she simply dislikes violence as he's now facing assault charges. If she did get pushed down, she should speak up.
But really, let's be honest. Isn't it nice to see a male star going all Jack Bauer on some glorified tailor that likely dropped out of high school because the regular guys picked on him? And all this for some decent treatment of the opposite sex. I mean, come on. Most guys in Hollywood would just get drunk, get a girl pregnant, and then refuse to man up and get married. Sheesh. That might be the real issue, here.
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