*Image courtesy of AP Images.
Stabbing American soldiers in the back sure didn't take him long. I guess we should be thankful he didn't spit on them. I mean really, did President Obama actually think he could raise money for Veterans Affairs by making our men and women in uniform suffer the inadequate services of private insurance companies?
The answer is clearly no. What he and his far-left ideologues attempted here was to stop not only current American warfare, but also all American warfare. The notion being of course that war of any kind is unjustified, and that it is especially so for enlightened Americans. What he clearly refuses to acknowledge is that though we prize peace, some wars must be waged with all our might if we and much of the rest of the world would be free. In the end, a virtue such as the love of peace can be corrupted into a vice if taken too far. Clearly, that is at least some of what we have here in this twisted and asinine display of liberal political fantasy.
Importantly, by causing soldiers to work with independent insurers, the quality of care is drastically cut--sometimes to nothing, and that undoubtedly would be devastating to our warriors in need of long-term care--the out of pocket expenses would be untenable, and recruitment rates would surely plummet. In fact, the brave men and women who keep us safe would find far less strength in the field, and that would be catastrophic for them, their families back home, and freedom loving people throughout the sane world.
GOOD NEWS: Mukhtar Mai--the women's rights advocate extraordinaire who suffered gang rape at the order of her local tribal council in Pakistan--is now
married to the police officer assigned to safeguard her well being. Granted, the polygamy issue does give one pause, but at least she is safe and enjoying a relationship traditionally denied such victims. Here's to her happiness and that special hell most assuredly reserved for her attackers.
CENSUS 2010 UPDATE: A clean census? Well, now
ACORN is involved. If The Golden Boy President's first 100 days are any indication, the Democrats are going to need all the gerrymandering help they can get for the next election.