It's been said before. I'll say it again--Ben Stein is a genius. Whether or not you agree, his take on the latest "stimulus package" is right on the, er, money. And it's a giant heap of newly printed green--$820 Billion formerly belonging to The People, to be exact. In any case, I'm glad at least one critic (and it looks like many Republicans now) can see this for what it is. A loser of an idea.
And Sam Jackson's smarts? Social. Or at least more so than Tom Hanks with the whole "Mormons are un-American" comment. According to Mr. Jackson of "Snakes On A Plane" fame--a family classic, to be sure--members of this church are just "misinformed." Hmmm. To my overly sensitive self, this sounds like they are not able to think out all sides of an issue. Or compare data. And maybe that these otherwise well-meaning people might have been lied to. . .if only the truth was as available to these poor folks as it is in Hollywood, CA, where it dangles from trees like ripe oranges. Whatever. I could be reading too much into this, but at least Mr. Jackson played his prejudicial hand with a little more tact than Mr. Hanks.