Ahh, CPAC is upon us. And no, they say that doesn't stand for Conservatives Pissing Away Capitalism. But whatever the case may be, luminaries greater and lesser have gathered in New Jersey to discuss that fine state's important political race and the future of the party. One can only hope that the dead wood is being pruned, hacked, and unceremoniously thrown into the proverbial flames without mercy before it consumes the rest of the Grand Old Party. I'd still say she's got good roots worth saving.
In other news, Bernie Madoff's wicked scheme claims another well known celebrity of the this-shouldn't-be-happening-to-you sort in the figure of Elie Wiesel. And oh yes, the coffers of his charitable foundation, The Elie Wiesel Foundation For Humanity, as well. No wonder CNN reports him branding Madoff as "one of the greatest scoundrels, thieves, liars, [and] criminals" in history, one that he cannot personally forgive. . .Maybe it's just me, but coming from a man who painstakingly learned to make his peace with the universe after gazing deeply into its coldest, cruelest, and darkest parts, I think that's saying something.
Also of note, Daniel Pearl's father Judea Pearl reports that university students are fond of sending him death threats that police do seemingly nothing about. You might recall that his son was kidnapped and murdered by al Qaeda in Pakistan back in 2002 while reporting as a journalist. No word yet on whether or not this is a strange affliction presenting itself only at UCLA, or also a disease cropping up elsewhere in that far-left petri dish that ferments into all kinds of enlightened lunacy and generally is referred to in strangely positive tones as California. Ahh, California. There is not enough space in the limitless World Wide Web to blog about you. . .
In other anti-Semitic news, Bishop Richard Williamson has apologized for denying the Holocaust. Well, that is if by apologize you mean sending out a begrudging mea culpa for embarrassing the Catholic Church and irritating the Jewish people, but again, mostly for hurting the Catholic Church. Please, somebody realize that this alter kocker can no longer open his mouth without insulting respectable people of faith, and that independent of whether or not they belong to his particular religious persuasion. Maybe he just shouldn't be involved in any prominent discussions of any kind wherein he represents his faith. Ever.
Finally, we note that the ACLU is helping illegal aliens know their "rights" while breaking our law of sovereignty and entering this free and generally welcoming country to leech our resources and generally cause havoc. Strangely, the instructions appear in English. Yikes. I'm all for immigration and immigration reform--meaning a much more streamlined process from the obviously inadequate and stifling one we have now--but this is ridiculous.
UPDATE: Joe Biden gets a second helping of humble pie through that wonder of wonders, the inter-web thingy.